Wednesday 25 June 2008

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Geeks, meet the jocks

Michael Medved on the value of an education:

That piece of parchment from New Haven or Cambridge does indicate that you've competed with single-minded effectiveness in the first 20 years of life....the driven, ferociously focused kids willing to expend the energy and make the sacrifices to conquer our most exclusive universities...are likely to enjoy similar success...

Competed, single-minded, driven, ferociously focused, energy, sacrifice - these words could be used to describe sports people. Not gifted amateurs, but the tough competitors who win ugly.

Among my peers, the sportsmen/ games captains have certainly gone on to be as successful as the university toppers. There is something in that old Thomas Arnold belief about sport building character...

Saturday 21 June 2008

Culture is a Beast

Tigers hunt alone. They stalk their prey through dense jungle, relying first on stealth and then on a burst of incredible power. Wolves hunt in packs. They chase their prey down through open terrain, encircle, harass and exhaust their prey, before killing and feeding as a pack. The social organization of animals, their cultures, are determined by their survival strategy. Animals evolve to do what it takes to get food without becoming food.

Tigers don’t stomp. Wolves don’t graze…even if they are made to sit through a thousand PowerPoint presentations.

Organizations are like animals. They evolve to do what is necessary for their survival, and very little else.

All that is obvious, right? Apparently not. The alchemy of “leadership”, armed with the sword of PowerPoint, can transform organizations into the object of the heart’s desire…never mind how the organization actually makes money.

My top management tip: beware the man in the Armani suit who teaches the elephant to be stealthy.

Or teaches the snake to fly. Hey…a snake who learns to fly is a dragon. That’s the metaphor which will super-charge my next change management program.

Friday 13 June 2008

Attack of the Asian female clones

Glorious giants of the Appalachians are being killed off by insignificant-looking Asian females. And this has nothing to do with outsourcing, job losses, small towns, bitterness, guns or religion.

The Eastern Hemlock, a glorious native American tree that grows to a stature of 100m, the Sequoia of the Appalachians, is being wiped out by a tiny parasite, an aphid called the Woolly Adelgid. This has been observed and mourned in the New Yorker (I found the story thumbing through a back issue), the New York Times (way back in 1991) and in various pamphlets accessible with a Google search. However, what doesn't seem to have attracted comment is that the attacker is fatally flawed.

The aphids first came to America on decorative Japanese trees which were planted at Maymont, a public park in Richmond, VA. All the male aphids died. They feed exclusively on spruce sap and the males could not digest American spruce. A few females survived. Sans males, they had to reproduce by cloning. So, the threat to the Eastern Hemlock comes from clones of a very small number of individual female aphids. The clones were fantastically successful because they could colonize the Eastern Hemlock. As a predator gets established in America, or worst-case, as the Hemlock populations in the wild die out, the clones will also die. Clones are evolutionary dead-ends.

Should conservationists freeze Hemlock gene-plasm to re-populate the Applachians once the Woolly Adenids clones inevitably die? Makes sense. Just be sure to freeze a diverse pool of Hemlock gene-plasm. And establish an Eastern Hemlock worshipping cult whose rituals will remind initiates to perform this sacred task when evolution plays out and the clones finally die.

Sunday 8 June 2008

Test cricket. Live at the ground

Five thoughts after a day watching test cricket at Trent Bridge:

1. The thonchk sound of bat hitting ball. That sound just doesn't come through on TV

2. The new TV screen at Trent Bridge is fantastic. Watching from a stand 150 meters from the screen, the picture quality is as good as on TV at home. They do show the key moments on screen. Makes the classic (expensive) seats over the top of the bowler's arm less relevant, really

3. They market special radios on the ground that pick up Sky Sports' TV commentary. They ought to also market special internet devices that pick up The Guardian's OBO coverage

4. The English start drinking at 11:00 am and drink continuously till stumps at 6:30. Men and women, white haired gentlemen in blazers and yobs in tattoos...they all sustain this rate of consumption. It is an amazing physical achievement. Even more amazing, Britain is ranked only 15th in European league tables for alcohol consumption per capita

5. Monty Panesar does a cool wave to the crowd. His back is towards the crowd, but he acknowledges the "Monty, give us a wave" calls by transferring his weight on to one leg, pivoting his hands at about waist height, shrugging a shoulder and just glancing back for a split second

Saturday 24 May 2008

IPL payments and CEOs

The winners of the IPL will earn $1.5MM. Works out to $75K for each player if there are 20 in the squad.

Sure, $75k is nothing to sneeze at. Unless you’ve been paid $500K to just show up and take part. The incentives aren’t sloped steeply enough. It is creditable that the stars are playing hard despite the relatively small prize.

For the true geeks reading this post…the formula that describes optimal effort in a tournament is (w1 – w2) = g(0)*c’(e). (w1 – w2) represents the increase in wealth due to winning. g(0) is a measure of how much randomness effects winning. c'(e) is a measure of effort. This formula is lifted from a seminal 1981 paper by Sherwin Rosen and Edward Lazear. If you really want to get under the skin of the formula, you can download the paper from jstor for $14.

The intuitive part of the result is that people work harder to win if the rewards of winning are greater. The fascinating part of this result is that the rewards for winning need to be greater in games with more randomness to extract the same effort. If you can win through pure luck, you’re less likely to work hard to win. So the reward needs to be bigger to get the same hard work.

This Sherwin Rosen paper - and the vast body of secondary research that his paper spawned - is often used to understand why CEOs get paid so much. Everybody in an organization works hard to become the CEO because the reward is so big. That hard work is what creates value for the organization, or for society, which is good. The reward goes to one CEO, one individual who basically got lucky, which feels unfair. Horrible dilemma. The only way to square this circle seems to be to design games with less randomness.

Friday 23 May 2008

Geeks Rule

David Brooks on the rise of the Geeks

Micro Nations

Some Scots want to secede from the UK to create an independent nation of 5 MM people. Some Walloons want to secede from Belgium to create an independent nation of 3MM people. In this news item about Belgium's possible break up, Czechoslovakia’s split in 1993 into the Czech Republic and Slovakia is admiringly described as a “velvet” partition.

Yet ever more countries want to join the European Union. Big nations like Poland and Hungary are in. Giants like Turkey and Ukraine seem likely to become European within my lifetime (the next 50 years?).

So is Europe splintering or coalescing? What’s going on? The dynamic that feels under-observed, that Scotland beautifully illustrates, is that the two processes reinforce each other.

Chest-thumping micro-nationalism is great fun. It derives from the same emotions that cause people to support the home team at football games; these are powerful emotions. What limits the political potency of micro-nationalism is that micro-nations simply don’t have the scale to build the institutions that, ultimately, make people better off.

As European institutions become stronger micro-nationalism gradually becomes costless. People will gradually figure out that the institutions that make people better off are located in Europe. Might as well thump the micro-national chest and have a bit of fun.

The Scottish parliament voluntarily dissolved itself and threw its lot in with Westminster in 1707, at the cusp of the British Empire. Their reasoning was coldly economic (or so says the Lonely Planet guide). Scotland wanted to be on the winning side of the greatest opportunity-to-plunder/ economic engine that history had ever seen. Three hundred years later, the pro-union rhetoric coming out of Scotland is still economic.

Over time, the Euro-zone market will get bigger and deeper, European courts and parliaments and regulators will figure themselves out, the Trans European Motorway will get built. Maybe a European lingua franca will emerge (will it be English?). Union with England will just matter less to a Scotland that is part of a functioning Europe.

What are the odds that Scotland will be an independent European nation 50 years from now? I’ll offer you 50-50. Much longer odds though, on the European lingua franca becoming English.

Thursday 22 May 2008

Sandlot Wars

I’m really stretched at work nowadays (hence the relatively low frequency of blog posts). Too much work. Not quite enough people to get through the work. I’m not alone. Most of my peers are in the same situation.

One unexpectedly good consequence is that my peers and I are playing as a team more than we used to. We clearly need help from each other, and are generally quite happy to punt the ball over to each other.

This is in stark contrast to another time, within this same company, when we were overstaffed. We had too many ambitious and talented people, with plenty of time on their hands, looking to carve out bigger roles to match their ambitions and talents. This lead to the Sandlot wars. Almost all conversations were political rather than truth-seeking, and came with an undercurrent of “this is my sandlot and you’re not going to play here.”

Based on that contrast, my top management tip: keep your team slightly short-staffed. Your people will be under pressure. That’s OK. They will learn to take the pressure. An environment where people have a lot of room to play and grow, and have a credible prospect of advancement, creates a much healthier culture.

My inner sceptic just asked a question. Organizations riven by turf wars are clearly less pleasant work-places than those where people co-operate. But are they less successful? Great research topic for a Ph.D. student. But, for sure, you will have more fun working for a light, stretched organization.

Wednesday 14 May 2008

The hardest people to manage

It's people who are on their way out of your organization.

My top management tip: don't prolong the agony. If one of your people wants to leave, tell her to just go right now. You may not know exactly how you will cope with the loss, but you will cope.

Just go right now sometimes feels hard. Having a familiar face who knows the ropes running her show for a few more months often feels safer. That is false security. Having an player who is not fully checked-in on your team for a few months is toxic. Best case, safe players start making amateurish errors. Worst case, open-minded, constructive scepticism degenerates into corrosive, contagious cynicism. I've seen it happen too many times. It's not worth it.

The shadow of the future is everybody's best friend.

Sunday 11 May 2008

Do better driving tests save lives?

Earlier this morning, I was talking a friend through the painful process of getting a UK driving license. My friend is a Chartered Accountant and a banker. He is bringing up a family. He has been driving for about 20 years in India, the USA and various holiday destinations. It's hard to find a lower risk-profile than him. But getting a UK license remains a painful process, low-risk-profile or otherwise.

Part of the pain is, of course, the sheer bureaucracy. But a part of the pain is that there is a real risk of cautious and experienced drivers failing the test. The UK test is a heck of a lot more rigorous than equivalents in either India or, slightly more surprisingly, the USA.

Does the UK get anything valuable out of these rigourous tests (apart from the perverse pleasure oily government employees get from randomly saying no)?

A quick Google search seems to show that the testing works. The per capita death rate through road accidents in the UK is about half US levels. That is massive, a lot more than I was expecting.

An interesting twist in the data is that almost 65% of the difference in death rates seems to be explained the fact that the US has more cars per capita. A first glance the more money -> more cars -> more road deaths pattern seemed natural. But no. One might have expected a society that is more dependent on cars to invest more in road safety. And at some human level, the risk of death per individual just feels like a much more important metric than the risk of death per vehicle.

Another interesting slant in the data is the ratio of injuries to deaths. The UK and the US are around the same level here, suggesting that there are no material differences in the quality of medical care delivered to accident victims. If anything the much-reviled NHS seems to be delivering a slightly better ratio than the USA.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

There is a specter haunting Eurpoe

Here is another surprisingly simple reason why property prices in the UK are unreasonably high.

A price fixing building cartel with more than a 100 members. I'm surprised that the cartel manaegd to hold.

Monday 28 April 2008

Fundas on the IPL

In the cacophony of media hype about the IPL and Twenty20 cricket, one crucial point almost everybody seems to have forgotten: this is not a new idea.

The only interesting media piece so far which sets Twenty20 in historical perspective is here.

Admittedly, the fact that test cricket was invented by an upper-class MCC establishment trying to defend its power base when challenged by a professional league playing an exciting, abbreviated version of the game is news even to a die-hard and relatively well read cricket fan like me. Hope the facts are right.

Another bit of historical perspective is from CLR James in Beyond the Boundary. He watches Learie Constantine playing limited overs cricket in Lancashire in the 1950s, notes that the game is both pure and innovative, and calls it the future.

The other bit of nonsense that keeps cropping up is that Twenty20 is a batsman's game. Cricket has always been a batsman's game. Arthur Mailey, the Australian leggie from the 1920s, noted that "the last bowler to be knighted was Sir Francis Drake".

There is a clear role reversal for bowlers in tests and limited overs. In tests, the bowlers are the attack. In limited overs they play defence. But in that, Twenty20 isn't really different from 50 over cricket. There are silly features like shorter boundaries that can be scrapped, but that doesn't really change the big picture.

My initial worry with the IPL was that the stars would take their money and play in cruise control mode. That worry was unfounded. Now that the top players are showing up to work, we have a great tournament on our hands.

Friday 25 April 2008


Christopher Martin Jenkins writing in Cricinfo magazine on the opening game of the IPL in Bangalore:

local interest was spurious, because they were watching a game between sides made up of mercenaries and little-known youths.

When Bangalore cheers for Mark Boucher, the sportsman becomes a mercenary and the interest spurious. Manchester United supporters cheering for Christiano Ronaldo if fine. Did CMJ ever describe Mushtaq Ahmed as a mercenary, or Sussex supporter's interest as spurious, when Mushy bowled Sussex to the county championship?

The English cricket establishment's sniffy insecurity when confronted with the success of Indian cricket is downright embarrassing. It starts getting nasty when the sniffiness results in ECB bureaucrats elbowing professional cricketers away from a decent chance to make good money.

Thursday 24 April 2008

Zorro. By Isabel Allende

Completely satisfying. Just the right mix of emotions, just the right balance of historical context and personal drama, just the right length, just the right complexity (for someone who typically reads after a hard day in the office and putting the kids to bed). Couldn't recommend it more strongly.

Don't read on if you like to read in suspense. But if you've read the book, or don't plan to read the book, or trust that I've given away nothing essentially suspenseful, or don't really care about suspense, here are some of my favourite nuggets/ reflections:

- "from the literary point of view, (childhood) has no suspense, children tend to be a little dull. Furthermore, they have no power, adults decide for them." Interesting point. Children are great as subjects, as authentic voices through which to observe the adult world. Think back to To Kill a Mocking Bird. Or the precocious Oskar Schnell in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Or even Richmal Compton's William. Maybe children, or even completely powerless adults, don't really work as the objects of fiction

- I loved the historical context. Spain had been annexed by Napoleon's France. Mexico was a Spanish colony. California was a Mexican territory. New Orleans had been sold by Napoleon to the Americans in the Louisiana land purchase. Britain fought America for Louisiana, and was defeated. Pirates ruled. The stench of the slave trade permeated the Caribbean. The Gypsies are a hunted, haunted European tribe, tenaciously holding onto their Indian roots. The Indians are a hunted, haunted American tribe, tenaciously holding on to their pre-European roots. None of this is hammered home. One picks up all of this casually wandering through the plot

- "Diego was a Gemini". Makes sense. The cultured, dandified, effeminate, patrician: Don Diego de la Vega. The fearless, swashbuckling, dashing, darling of the masses: Zorro. Are all super-heroes Geminis? Clark Kent and Superman. Parker and Spiderman. Bruce Wayne and Batman. Could they be Libras? No. The two sides of the balance are yoked together. Super-hero identities are completely separate. Could they be Pisces? No. Piscean fish swim in opposite directions. Super-hero identities swim together. Had to be Gemini

- Diego does not get his girl: Juliana de Romeu. That had to be. Diego's love was real. Juliana was worthy of his love. It was not their destiny. If Diego had got his girl that would have been the end of the story, he would have become a happy and wealthy ranchero in Alta California. The lost love was essential to Diego remaining forever hungry, forever young, to Diego remaining Zorro

- Juliana de Romeu would have been the perfect girl for Zorro. She is the wrong girl for the Diego de la Vega + Zorro combine. Juliana is about pale skin, cascading curls, beauty, grace, care, perfect taste, dignity under duress. She is all yin. Her man would need to be all yang. Every couple needs a balance of animus and anima

- "We shall soon be saying goodbye, dear readers, since the story ends when the hero returns to where he began, transformed by adventures and by obstacles overcome. This is the norm in epic narratives from the Odyssey to fairy tales, and I shall not be the one to attempt innovation"

Saturday 19 April 2008

London Marathon

Just ran my first marathon. The Flora London Marathon. On April 13, 2008. Had a totally fantastic time. Also had some reflections on marathon running while running the marathon. Hallucinatory reflections of this sort may be a symptom of extreme glycogen deprivation.

Yin and yang

A Jungian framework I happened upon years ago maps all social motivation onto a single axis. The psyche has an innate desire to feel connected, to belong, to feel at one with, to be a part of a larger whole. Yin. The psyche also has an innate desire to stand out, to be unique, to win, to conquer. Yang. The greatest fun happens when the psyche reaches both the yin and yang ends of the axis.

That happens at a big marathon. The sheer fact of running 26.2 miles delivers the yang. There is something special about the physical achievement...even in these days of mass participation marathons. Yet, that's only a part of the story. The training runs on foggy grey mornings stretching out over 20+ miles feel meaningful (and get done) only in the context of a framing event.

And what a great event it is. The company I work for had done a great job, putting up posters across town wishing our runners good luck. My daughter was delighted to see my picture on an advert while riding on the tram. Travel in London is free for runners. You start the run at the Greenwich observatory. The streets in front packed with other runners, with whom you feel a reflexive kinship. The route is packed with hundreds of thousands of cheering spectators. This is clearly the only time in my life >100000 people have cheered me on. My family and friends were along to cheer. It was fantastic.


I love the word. Will never have a better opportunity to use it.

After training outdoors through crisp winter sunshine, persistent rain, the occasional snow or hail, and - worst of all from a running perspective - gusty winds, I am more aware of the weather and it's moods than I've ever been. Less obviously but more powerfully, I love the sense of physical space, of eating up the distance, that I get running outdoors. I've had the same feeling when I'm out hiking.

Sunday 6 April 2008

There is a specter haunting Europe (2)

Britain is one of the world's more over-priced property markets. Prices can go into free-fall.

So what should be done about that? Cut interest rates to prop up prices? Or use the inevitable carnage as an opportunity to massively expand housing deliver a step-change improvement in the real lives of real people?

My (contrarian) vote is for the supply side expansion.

The elephant in the very-tiny-room during any conversation about housing in Britain is that the quality of housing really sucks. A country as rich as Britain need not live in homes that are so small that a standard "bedroom" is about the size of an American walk-in closet. Where double bedrooms don't fit double beds. Or where faucets that mix hot and cold water are an exotic luxury.

The simple and obvious solution is to develop large tracts of high quality housing, either on greenfield sites or by bulldozing some of the existing housing stock. But this simply has not happened. Is there a subtle but powerful political pressure from property owners defending high prices?

A counter-argument that is sometimes reflexively trotted out is: Britain is a small island and land is scarce. This is pure hokum. Britain can easily import tomatoes or milk. Britain can't import land. A very similar argument was used in the 80s to justify Japan's over-priced "rabbit hutches" and its heavily subsidized rice farms.

More realistically, a supply side expansion that might happen during this downturn is that sellers might be forced to spend more on the house to sell it at the same price. This will not get picked up as deflation in the published house price indices. But that investment will be a welcome improvement in the real lives in real people.

There is a specter haunting Europe

Here is why I am very happy being a renter

Sunday 23 March 2008

Science or religious war?

Are neo-classical and behavioural economics truly irreconcilable? Are the foundations of one of our great sciences crumbling before our eyes? Or, is behavioural economics a useful elaboration on the neo-classical tradition, that enriches rather than wrecks the great neo-classical insights?

My chips are on the enriching rather than wrecking side of the argument. Right here, right now, I clearly am in the minority. The sloppy-thinking chat tends to pit one tradition against the other.

Here is Elizabeth Kolbert,
writing in the New Yorker.

"Rational calculators are supposed to consider their options, then pick the one that maximizes the benefit to them. Yet actual economic life, as opposed to the theoretical version, is full of miscalculations, from the gallon jar of mayonnaise purchased at spectacular savings to the billions of dollars Americans will spend this year to service their credit-card debt. The real mystery, it could be argued, isn’t why we make so many poor economic choices but why we persist in accepting economic theory."

Notice the condescension. "The real mystery...why we persist in accepting economic theory." She illustrates this self evident truth - that the assumption of rational economic behaviour is so broken that it is pitiful - with a personal anecdote.

Ms Kolbert was buying a book on Amazon for her work when a message popped up on her screen "add $7.00 to your order to qualify for FREE Shipping". She hesitated. Her nine-year-old twins wanted a Tintin book. She clicked it into the shopping cart and checked out, saving The New Yorker $3.99 and spending $12.91 of her own money.

Then comes the sucker-punch. "From the perspective of neoclassical economics, self-punishing decisions (such as this purchase of a Tintin comic) are difficult to explain." Really?

Neo-classical economics is very comfortable thinking about the Tintin comic as a bundle of information (about prices), services (delivery) and physical product (the comic book itself). Remember complements and substitutes from Econ 101? Amazon reduced the price of that bundle by flashing a free shipping advert on Ms Kolbert's screen, which reduced her tacit search costs, and by waiving the delivery charges. This prompted a purchase which otherwise wouldn't have happened. Lower price, more sales. This is the demand curve from Econ 101. There is no more unsurprising result in neo-classical economics.

Notice that the neo-classical theory makes no claims about the mechanism by which people maximize utility. In the neo-classical view people maximize utility the way a dog catches a frisbee. The calculations a dog needs to make to catch a frisbee are way beyond the scope of what a dog, or human, can consciously perform. Yet, dogs and humans successfully catch millions of frisbees every day.

This is where behavioural economics comes in. It sheds more light on the heuristics that people actually use while maximizing utility. This might prompt governments or businesses to use those heuristic mechanisms. For example, tax collections in America increased when taxes were collected at source. Once the money is in my bank account I am much more reluctant to give it to the government. Brilliant behavioural insight. By Milton Friedman, the godfather of neo-classical economics.

None of this challenges the one thought central to all of neo-classical economics: people respond to incentives. The way in which different people respond to different incentives is infinitely varied, which is why economic life is fascinating to observe.

Tuesday 18 March 2008


Much better than disembark.

Found it in Isabel Allende's Zorro. Thought it was Allende's genius that had conjured up the elegant new word. But assures me that the word has been in use since 1654.

Sunday 16 March 2008

Stealing Music?

Fans and musicians are enjoying each other's presence at the South by South West music festival, unencumbered by record companies. And they are talking about how they can do just fine, forever after, without record companies.

It's good to move beyond the toxic divisions of the digital rights/ copyright wars and start the conversation about how the music industry ought to work.

Record company jobs and copyright laws serve a useful purpose if they bring together artists and fans. Everything else is secondary.

Saturday 15 March 2008

Nemo's dad can become Nemo's mom

It's true. Sure, it is not appropriate material for Disney movies. But the scientific fact is that when Nemo's mom was ate by a shark, Nemo's dad could have just turned himself into a mom.

All clown fish start their lives off as males. The live in colonies inside an anemone, typically on coral reefs. The largest fist in each colony is the breeding female, the next largest the breeding male. A number of smaller, sexually inactive clown fish also live in the anemone. If one of the breeding couple dies, the biggest of the sexually inactive lads will step-up-to-the-plate and become a breeding male. The promotion always goes from sexually inactive lad to breeding male, because if the fish who died was female the breeding male will become a breeding female.

There is a rigid hierarchy from sexually inactive lad, to breeding male to breeding female. Promotion up the hierarchy is based on an objective criterion: size.

It is fairly common for reef-fish to be able to change gender. A quick Google search did not reveal the genetic basis for this gender identity. But clearly gender in reef fish is something more subtle than X and Y chromosomes.

Acknowledgements: this post was inspired by a visit to the Sea Life aquarium in Birmingham

Monday 10 March 2008

If you want to start a revolution...

...use radio. If you want to suppress a revolution use TV.

Radio forces people to focus, and listen to your words, and engage their imaginations. With TV, people are more focused on the colour of your tie than on what you're saying.

Just heard this on BBC Radio 4 ten minutes ago. I love the Marxist interpretation. TV is the ultimate capitalist plot to foil revolution by feeding the masses an opiate.

Friday 7 March 2008

The Sultanganj Buddha

Should great works of art stolen by discredited, morally bankrupt empires be returned home?

This question has been rattling around in my head for a couple of weeks, since I stumbled upon a fabulous, life-size, 1500 year old bronze Buddha from Sultanganj, Bihar, in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.

My mind came to rest at this thought: a day will come when India is rich enough and proud enough, to care for our heritage. Maybe not in my lifetime, but that day will come. That is when the Sultanganj Buddha ought to return home, perhaps to Sultanganj. But until then, it’s OK for the Buddha to stay on in Birmingham, where it has a place of honour and is displayed with sensitivity, respect and taste.

This is an interesting case, really. It is not an obvious story of rapacious, colonial plunder. This is not like the Kohinoor diamond, which was stolen by Queen Victoria for her crown from the crown of Maharajah Ranjit Singh.

Apparently, this Buddha was consecrated at the center of a Gupta era vihara on the right bank of the Ganga c. 500 AD. The vihara came under military threat c. 700 AD. The monks chose to bury their sacred icon rather than let it fall to their enemies. Their ruse worked. The vihara was razed. The Buddha survived, unseen but unharmed.

About 1200 years later, in 1862, a British engineer was laying a Railway line from Burdwan to Kiul. He was mining earth for ballast to lay under the railway track, and came upon a large, regular block harder than the earth around it. He mined around the block, dislodged it from the earth, chiseled open the block the next morning, and stared into the tranquil face of the Buddha.

The advice from his railway colleagues was to melt down the Buddha into rails. Not unreasonable; there is not a lot else that one can do with a massive metal thingummybob when living on a railway camp 500 miles upriver from Calcutta. But fortunately, a combination of fate, patience and the modern miracle of telegraph communication located a wealthy merchant who was willing to pay two hundred pounds to have the statue shipped to Birmingham. Maybe the Buddha travelled to Calcutta on the same railway tracks that he had so nearly become a part of. The weary Buddha finally reached Birmingham 1867.

The wealthy merchant, Mr Samuel Taylor, went on the become the mayor of Birmingham. On his death he donated his art collection to the city. Mr Samuel Taylor’s name is immortalized on a plaque near the Buddha. I couldn’t spot the name of the railway engineer.

So in what sense does the statue belong in India, or in Sultanganj, more than it does to the city of Mr Samuel Taylor?

One could make legalistic arguments here. The Greek state has trotted out a legal argument about the legitimacy of the Ottoman firman by which the British Museum acquired the Elgin marbles. But the argument which resonates with me (and apparently with the fair-minded British public who overwhelmingly support returning the Elgin marbles to Greece) is an argument about identity rather than legality.

India is not just the land of cricket, curry and customer service call centers. India is Bharatavarsh.

One of the most wonderful things about India - the modern nation state that was born in 1947 - is that India fiercely embraces its history. India isn't just a bunch of lines drawn on a map. India is charged with mythic meaning. India is the heir to the Mauryas and the Guptas, the Cheras and the Cholas, the grandeur of the Moghuls and the grit of the Marathas, heir to both Tansen and to Baiju Bawra. The choice of Ashoka's pillar as India's national symbol was inspired; the symbol of the "soul of a nation, long supressed, finding utterance".

That is the sense in which the Sultanganj Buddha might belong in India. The statue's story feels like the story of India itself. A nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. A magnificient statue, long buried, finds expression. The Sultanganj Buddha in Birmingham is just another beautiful museum-piece. The Sultanganj Buddha in India could be so much more redolent with meaning: the symbol of a great nation, once vanquished, now discovering it's own greatness.

The Sultanganj Buddha has his own tryst with destiny. The day hasn't yet come to redeem that pledge.

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Culling elephants

The South African government has decided to kill several thousand elephants to keep the elephant population within sustainable limits. Are they killing 5000 elephants? The number is not totally clear.

This is heartbreaking, especially for the foster daddy of a four year old elephant called Naserian who lives at the David Sheldrick orphanage in Kenya. But understandable. Especially if more humane alternatives have been seriously attempted. The good news is that elephant and tiger populations do really well when protected, unlike say, cheetah or pandas.

The news so far has shied away from a really interesting economic question: should the South African government sell ivory from this cull?

The money from selling ivory could be used to give elephants better protection. This has traditionally been the South African position. On the other hand, legitimate sales of ivory could "prime the pump" of the ivory trade by bringing craftsmen back to ivory, increasing steady state demand, and make it harder to protect elephants. This has traditionally been the Kenyan position.
I totally see and sympathize with both sides of the argument. Would love to hear about an objective no-spin analysis that sizes up these arguments.

Saturday 16 February 2008

My Family Owns a House in Telluride

Sometimes, things come together. Time, place, people, thought, soft afternoon sunshine, salty sea spray - everything - everything comes together in an exhilarating, intoxicating rush of adrenaline, testosterone, music and laughter that sculpts the soul, makes life real, and makes you who you are.

But things come apart again. Life moves on. The clocks didn’t all stop. We didn’t die then and there. The grey world that dawns the morning after Camelot, packing your bags for Faisalabad after winning the Ashes, it’s the hardest part. You still gotta do what you gotta do.

This haunting story is about the end of magic, about when the universe no longer has a center. Fortunately, the story still is on the New Yorker’s website.

Friday 8 February 2008

360 degree feedback: is there a trade-off between usefulness and transparency?

The company I work for has a well-entrenched culture of 360 degree feedback. Five years ago, this feedback was often pointed and tended to emphasize the negatives. But it was genuinely helpful in helping managers poinpoint the skills/ behaviours their people needed to develop. Today, the same process spews out feedback that rarely rises above the level of anodyne praise.

What’s changed?

Five years ago, feedback was typically anonymous. Today, the norm is to copy the subject of the feedback on the feedback. Could that be the culprit?

I was around when the culture of copying the subject in on feedback started. The Senior Vice President who ran our department believed “if you’ve got something to say about a colleague, be man enough to tell him face-to-face.” That made sense. It prevented people from abusing the system by using feedback to vent, or to settle personal scores. It felt right. Initially, it seemed to be working well, because some old habits persisted and the feedback remained pointed. We didn’t imagine that the quality of feedback would diminish. But five years later, feedback clearly is a blunter instrument.

The other plausible explanation is a change in the company’s life stage. Five years ago, we were a young, fast-growing company. Employees were paid stock options. Promotions happened frequently. Now, we are a mature company that pays dividends, growing at about the same rate as the economy, where promotions are rare and precious.

So why would the slower corporate growth impact the quality of feedback? It takes a fair bit of work to write accurately-observed, balanced, insightful, constructive feedback. That effort is worth it if the feedback is acted on, and colleagues change their behaviour for the better. In a slow growth environment, improved behaviours don’t materially change the likelihood of getting promoted. With small or no incentives, people don’t respond to feedback with behavioural change. And so the effort that goes into writing high-quality feedback becomes as futile as writing a well-reasoned blog.

The loss of anonymity makes feedback risky. And the slower career trajectories make feedback futile. Which effect is more real? Without any scientific analysis, the loss of anonymity feels more specific/tangible and therefore more real. I suspect there is a grain of truth in both arguments.

Despite feedback becoming a blunt instrument, I still think it has a ton of value. My company has virtually no disrespectful or abusive bosses. People tend to treat each other as social equals across the hierarchy, despite very substantial differences in income. That is partly because a culture with 360 degree feedback self-selects leaders who conduct themselves in a particular way. 360 degree feedback just goes from being a tool that effects fine changes in behaviour, to being a tool that prevents grevious abuse. Sounds a bit like democracy.

Monday 4 February 2008

Tear-free shampoo and the frightening guest

Took my daughters swimming on Sunday. Showered many blessings on the wonderful person who invented tear-free shampoo. And reflected that the history of science is obsessed with boring things like penicillin and does not celebrate genuinely great advances like tear-free shampoo.

This blogger is not alone in trying to set right this historic injustice. The late Viktor Schreckengost - whose name means "frightening guest" in German - is the grand-daddy of the sort of scientist who invents tear-free shampoo. Dan Boudreaux of Cafe Hayek thinks Mr Schreckengost has "done more for humanity than any single politicican in the twentieth century". Homage is in order.

Sunday 3 February 2008

Fixing match fixing

This is absurd. The organizers of the French Open are sueing online betting sites (including Betfair - the site I use) to prevent betting on the French Open.

Yes, match-fixing in tennis is a serious problem. Tennis matches are easy to fix. But surely, major branded sites like Betfair and Ladbrokes are part of the solution. These sites are dependent on the trust of millions of small time punters. They have the data needed to spot odd betting patterns and extra-big bets.

This could actually be counter-productive. Betting on sport is great fun. It will always be a part of sport. Driving good, clean, fun betting underground will only bring in sleaze and increase the likelihood of match fixing.

Friday 1 February 2008


Found a superb article on Tintin in a back issue of the New Yorker, by Anthony Lane. The highlights:

- General de Gaulle declared that Tintin was his only international rival. He was envious, perhaps, of not just of Tintin's fame but of his defiantly positive attitude. Both figures can be recognized by silhouette alone

- Stimulation in Herge's solid, Catholic, bourgeois youth in Belgium came from his exploits as a scout. There remain in Tintin traces of the try-anything, do-gooding spirit of the scout troop

- Tintin was first serialized in 1925 in a daily newspaper which was described in it's masthead as a "Catholic and National Newspaper of Doctrine and Information". The editor had a framed picture of Mussolini on his desk

- Tintin in Congo (1931) is an unmitigated parade of racial prejudice, with bug-eyed natives swaying between ignorance and laziness. Herge later redrew the comic...and claimed that his concept of the Congo was no different from that of his compatriots at the time

- A crucial happening was Herge's encounter with Chang Chong-chen, a student at the Brussels Academy of Fine Arts. Chang suggested using real events as the inspiration for his adventures...the ouevre would have a historical value...The Blue Lotus (1936) was born

- Chang returned to China and lost touch with Herge. Tintin in Tibet (1960) showed Tintin searching for a lost friend called Chang. In 1981, two years before Herge died, the real Chang came to Belgium for a tearful reunion. Chang had shown Herge how to beat back prejudice: just tell the truth

- Herge's principle: the further your reach, the more compelling your duty to get it right. Herge knew he would not be able to emabrk on Tintin in Tibet without amassing photographs of monastries, lamas and chortens, all of which would be copied in fanatical detail in his book. I was thrilled to read Hindi in Tintin which was real

- Belgium was occupied. Herge - like Wodehouse, who was interred as an enemy alien - not only survied but bloomed into one of his most flourishing periods. Once the war ended, both were interrogated about the nature and intensity of their collaboration. Both pleaded guilty of innocence; neither ever dispelled the shadow of suspicion. Herge's (and Wodehouse's) ability to avert his gaze from evil verges on the chronic

- Commentators are both enticed and exasperated by how little he gives away. In particular, the Tintin who gazes out from the cover of The Castafoire Emerald (1963) shushing the reader with a finger held to his lips

- There is no sex. Tintin passes increasing portions of his time with an unmarried seaman, yet it seldom occurs to us to question their rapport. He never has a girlfriend, and never expresses the need for one. He has no parents or siblings. We are unsure whether he counts as a child himself. He reminds me, if anyone, of Charlie Brown. Enid Blyton, and maybe even JRR Tolkien, would be at home in this beautiful, adventure-filled, but asexual world

- Tintin may be too constrained for American tastes, being posessed of no superpowers. He is Clark Kent without the phone booth, although Clark at least had a paying job , wheras Tintin, nominally a reporter, never receives a paycheck or files a story

Sunday 27 January 2008


This movie is about Bollywood telling India what Deng Xiaoping so successfully told China: "to get rich is glorious." Bollywood shapes India's attitudes. Bollywood delivering this message - to an India that has been wallowing for decades in the Gandhian mythology of self-denial, and in the consequent hypocrisy, mediocrity and poverty - just the concept makes this film a winner.

At heart, this is a thinly disguised Bollywood style documentary on Dhirubhai Ambani. There's a great item number with Mallika Sherawat, set in Istanbul. Aishwarya Rai plays Kokilaben (I'm sure Kokilaben is flattered) and is introduced to the film in a peppy dancing-in-the-rain sequence. Dhirubhai makes a big speech in the courtroom denouement, kind-of-sort-of comparing himself to Gandhi. It's fun to watch.

But the film never goes from being visually interesting to being viscerally compelling. There is no knot, no conflict, no tension that drags to plot forward until it is resolved. Nor is their any character development. Dhirubhai seems to have been born being Dhirubhai. For instance, there is no conflict between Dhirubhai's high aspirations and the sordidness of the bribes he needs to give out to meet those aspirations. The only attempt to create inner tension was with Nanaji, a Ramnath Goenka like character, who starts off as a father figure to Dhirubhai and then proceeds to wage a crusade against him. That storyline didn't really work.

That might be why Guru was not a box office blockbuster. It's not going to have a Sholay or Lagaan-like impact on India's psyche. A pity. Because the "to get rich is glorious" message really is reshaping India.

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Safe in the warm after glow of victory...a gentleman's agreement?

Of all the daft things that have surfaced in this India-Australia series, the daftest has to be the gentleman's agreement between the captains about taking the fielder's word on catches. Kumble should have figured out that the agreement would break down at the pivotal moment when a catch made a vital difference. That’s exactly what happened. It’s common sense.

And if this were about the mythic spirit of cricket, why should a gentleman’s agreement be limited to claiming catches? Why not nicks? One can't blame umpire Benson for asking Ponting if Michael Clarke's catch was clean. That is what the captains had agreed to.

Kumble was naive (or gullible) to have agreed to Ponting's proposal. Jayawardene, one of the most gentlemanly modern players, was smart enough to turn down the same proposal.

The more interesting question is around why Ponting is proposing this agreement. It feels out of character. He has also made his team sign up to a spirit of cricket pledge. Which, in addition to feeling out of character, is bureaucratic and suggests Ponting does not understand that spirit describes what can't be codified.

What's going on here? Is Ponting trying to capture a special place cricket's pantheon that his gracelessness on the field just doesn't support?

Ronting's Australians are the easily the least loved champions in the history of cricket. Just think back to the reverence Clive Lloyd's West Indians inspired to get that into perspective. One of the defining memories of Ponting will be his spontaneous and passionate swearing after being run out by Gary Pratt at Trent Bridge in the 2005 Ashes. The day after the Sydney test, the BBC quoted a poll which showed 82% of Aussie cricket fans rating Ponting a bad captain, despite having delivered 16 wins on the trot. Does this lack of respect hurt prickly little Ponting?

The comparison that hurts Ponting most is with Steve Waugh. Like Ponting, Steve Waugh inherited a great team. Like Ponting, Steve Waugh played to win: his most important contribution to cricket's lexicon was the "mental disintegration" which did not happen to Saurav Ganguly. But Steve could take the Aussie team to lay a wreath at the ANZAC memorial at Gallipolli and look authentic. He raises money for Udayan, a charity for the children of lepers, without provoking a snigger. He won a special place in my heart when we spoke of how cricket would be poorer with Zimbabwe, deprived of quality players like Neil Johnson (one of my obscure personal favourites). Steve Waugh didn't do spin. He meant what he said. He cared. It showed. The gravitas came naturally.

Waugh's nicknames are Tugga and Iceman. Ponting's nickname is Punter. Maybe Ponting fears that he is destined to be a Miandad...snapping away in the shadows the the Imran like figures - Border, Taylor, Waugh - who came before him. Maybe an Indian captain can sense that insecurity, and twist a dagger into that chink in the armour, and engineer a "mental disintegration" at Adelaide that would make even Steve Waugh cringe.

Hope springs eternal :)

Friday 18 January 2008

Betfair on Perth

Established behavioural economics finding: people are willing to pay more for insurance against death caused by an airplane accident than for insurance against death by any cause. Clearly death caused by an airplane accident is a subset of death by any cause. But when thought of a dramatic cause of death like an airplane accident is planted in the mind, the imagination takes over and makes that cause feel more real, tangible and likely than it actually is.

I have a hunch the same cognitive bias is happening on Betfair in assessing the odds of an Australian victory at Perth. Betfair thinks the likelihood that Australia will win is ~30%.

The point is: it is easy to imagine the Australian batsmen playing out of their skins to steal a memorable win. I remember Ponting's innings in the 2003 World Cup final, Gilcrist's innings in the 2007 World Cup final, Symond's innings in the first innings at's easy to imagine something like that happening again. The sheer ease of imagining another breathtaking, match winning performance from Australia might make the market over-estimate the odds of an Australian win.

What is critical is that India channel their imaginations into just putting the ball in the right areas and holding their catches. Think about nothing else. That's the action which will make the odds on India shorten.

BTW...writing this post hasn't quite given me the courage to go and bet on India. Not yet, anyway.


On the eve of the fourth day's play in the Perth test, I'm way too excited to sleep. 8 wickets to win. Five of those wickets need to be Ponting, Hussey, Clarke, Symonds and Gilcrist.

India are too close to not hope. And Australia have pulled off the impossible too many times (three wickets in five balls?) for me to let myself hope.

If I can't take the pressure 10000 miles away, how are the team coping? The good ones, the ones who've been around a while - Kumble, Sachin, Rahul, Saurav, Laxman, even Dhoni - they'd be immersing themselves in rituals. Sportsmen are called superstitious, but more accurately, they are ritualistic. The regimen anchors the spirit. Keeps the butterflies and demons from taking over. The same thing works on the field..adjusting the top of the pad, tapping the bat to the ground while taking guard, bouncing the tennis ball before serving...they work the same way. They help focus the spirit and mind on the task at hand.

It's harder for the less experienced players to stay calm because their regimen/ rituals are less well established. It's hardest on us watchers; we don't have rituals to anchor us or any task at hand to focus on.

Thursday 17 January 2008

Harmless snobbery

Observing the pristine, clean shoes of other people at the gym. People whose shoes have clearly not run 10 miles on muddy tracks last weekend while training for a marathon.

Saturday 12 January 2008

The Little Mermaid

Some gems from opera director Francesca Zambello's interpretation of Little Mermaid for a Broadway production:

- The mermaid ascends to the surface of the sea, her tail unfurling to reveal shapely legs. There is so much metaphor in that. It is like a rite of passage, her first menstrual cycle

- The wish-fulfillment element would give it broad appeal. Show me anybody in the world who hasn't wanted to be someone else. That's a universal theme. Everybody sees themselves as an outsider

- It was possible to interpret the little mermaid flight from the confines of the sea as a gay theme. The reality is that there are only two minorities who are born into families: disabled people and gay people. Every other minority is born of a family. That Ariel is an outsider in her own family connects...

- Mermaids have no genitalia. That's something you don't really think about until you work on mermaids, but then you think about it a lot.

Friday 11 January 2008

Benazir Bhutto

The commentary about Benazir's assassination has been mainly about what a dangerous place Pakistan is. That is true. But all that geopolitical risk is obscuring is the poignancy of Benazir's life...the intense, shy, awkward, intellectual, ambitious young woman...wounded and humiliated by the hanging of the father she hero worshipped...who chose to marry to a hard-drinking, extravagantly mustachioed polo player, who swears like a wounded pirate and is nicknamed Mr. Five Percent the size of the bribes he routinely took...the big pile of Mills and Boon novels at her bedside...the pristine white head scarf and the scarlet lipstick...her uneasy truce with the mullahs who murdered her father...her cynical betrayal of the peace process with India...her heartfelt tears at the grave of her brother, a brother she once was close to, whose murder she had allegedly commissioned...her returning to Pakistan even when she could see in Musharraf's eye the shadow of Zia-ul-Haq, the man who murdered her father...

The British still take pride in the dramatic lives of Queen Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots. The subcontinent still has royalty whose lives are similarly dramatic.

My wife spotted this great piece in the Asian Age.

House Prices

Enjoyed Robert Samuelson's take on housing in America.

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Run, Fat Boy, Run

The ideal in-flight film for a guy running his first marathon. Watch the trailer here.

Wednesday 2 January 2008

The Strange Rise of Modern India

I have rapidly gone from being delighted with this book - because this is a non-Indian writer who clearly gets India like it is - to being bored stiff - because it is telling me nothing that I don't already know. I'm not going to bother ploughing through the rest of the book. But it probably is a nice introduction to modern India for someone who isn't already immersed in the culture.

Saturday 29 December 2007

I sympathize with Dubya

CIA Asks Bush To Discontinue Blog

The Onion

CIA Asks Bush To Discontinue Blog

WASHINGTON, DC-In the interest of national security, President Bush has been asked to stop posting entries on his personal web log.