Saturday 24 November 2007

Extremely loud and incredibly close

Just finished this outstanding book. One of the most satisfying fiction reads in at least a couple of years.

What's it about? It's about a nine year old boy whose father dies in the 9/11 attacks. But it's not remotely political. It's about missing dad, thinking too much, wondering about mom and grandma, finding heroes, finding anti-heroes, loving New York city, thinking too much, keys on neckchains, meeting adults, learning judo, visiting the Empire State building, being swamped by New York, hating bullies, missing dad, thinking too much. Most of all, it's about a dad who dies tragically when he still is a hero in his son's eyes.

I know I'm enjoying a book if I feel the need to pick up a pencil and make notes to myself in the margin. This book now has scrawls all over it. Thanks to my cousin Aarti for pushing this my way as a birthday gift.

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