Sunday 14 October 2007


Watched Namesake this week. Loved it. Strongly recommend.

Somehow it doesn't feel quite right to review this film. It doesn't feel like some pretty little lemon souffle that has been put out in front of me for my delectation. It feels too visceral, too personal, too close to my own life, to my own family for an analytical review.

Some little things I loved (don't read this list if you plan to watch the film):

- Ashima reciting Wordsworth. The care with which she pronounced o'er instead of over

- Ashok explaining the difference between a dak naam and a bhalo naam

- The sacred fire at the hotel. If the American hotel didn't allow fire on the premises, were they really married?

- From the credits. Jhumpa Mashi played by Jhumpa Lahiri

- From the credits. Gogol played by Kal Penn. Nikhil played by Kalpen Modi

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